The whole process
A picture is worth a thousand words. And there is no better way to understand the art of engraving and, specially, the art of José Holguera than to witness how he carries out this work. His ancient studio in the historical center of León opens its doors to invite us to contemplate the technical process in detail.
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Types of engraving
The graphic work is a direct result of the artist’s work on a support, either made of wood (xylography), metal (engraving), stone (lithography) or textile (serigraphy). Once the sheet is prepared, it is stamped by using handcrafted methods with the help of a rolling press.
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The engraving in Europe
En Europa, el grabado comienza a producirse en el ámbito textil en el S. VI, mientras que la producción sobre papel tuvo que esperar hasta la llegada del mismo desde el lejano oriente. Las primeras producciones sobre papel fueron en Játiva, España, en 1151.
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History of the engraving
Before the invention of the printer, the technique of engraving was not considered as art, but as a mean of communication. During the 18th century original pieces of work started to be conceived, and during the 19th century artists began to produce limited and signed editions of their compositions.
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